Review Article Review-Article

 | Post date: 2019/10/20 | 
Review Article


State-of-the-art reviews tend to address more current matters including a review of the literatures. This type of article summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic. A review article surveys and summarizes previously published studies, rather than reporting new facts or analysis. 


The structured or unstructured abstract of a review article contains the below headings:
  • Context
  • Evidence Acquisition
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Full Text: 

The full text of a review article contains the below sections:
  1. Context: It includes 1 or 2 sentences describing the clinical question or issue and its importance in clinical practice or public health.
  2. Evidence Acquisition: This section describes the data sources, including the research strategies, time of the study, and other sources of the used materials, such as subsequent reference searches of retrieved articles. It explains the methods used for quality assessment and the inclusion of identified articles.
  3. Results: This section addresses the major findings of the review of the clinical issue or topic in an evidence-based, objective, and balanced style, emphasizing the available highest-quality evidence.
  4. Conclusions: It clearly states the conclusions to answer the posed questions, if applicable, based on the conclusions of the available evidence, and it emphasizes how clinicians should apply the current knowledge.
  5. In a review article, the maximum number of: 
    • References are 80
    • Illustrations or table are 5

Word Count:

For more information about standard word count of this article type, please refer here.


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