- The Relationship between Depression Symptoms, Physical Self-Concept, and Self-Care in Diabetic Patients
Morteza Modares Gharavi, Abbasali Ammari, Fatemeh Pourhaji - Validation and Evaluation of Online an Self-Regulation Questionnaire for Students Using Online Native Learning Management Systems
Leili mosalanejad, Mohsen Keshavarz, Sajad Ghanateyan, Sara maghsodzadeh - Evaluation of epidemiology, clinical signs, and laboratory factors in pregnant patients with COVID-19 admitted to Valiasr Hospital in
Birjand from 2020 to 2021
Fatemeh Birjandi, Samaneh Bagherian, Masood Ziaee, Najmeh Jahani - Relationship between emotional intelligence and health literacy in patients with COVID-19
Leila Heidarzade, Monir Rezaee, NASRIN Heidarzade, Leila Alilu - Comparison of serologic and sonographic findings in patients with HBV/HDV and HBV/HCV Infections
Azadeh Ebrahimzadeh, Effat Alemzadeh, Mahyar Mohammadifard, Parvin Askari - COVID-19 Vaccination Promotion Program Based on COM-B Model: an App-Based Educational Program in Northern Iraq
Mehdi Mirzaei-Alavijeh, Ismail Ali Faraj, Farzad Jalilian - Improving The Quality of Life of Caregivers of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
- Non-pharmacological Techniques to Control Pain and Anxiety during Medical Procedures in Children under 15 Years: A Systematic Review
Sara Golmakani, Ali Taheri, Reza Chambari, Fariborz Jamshidi, Masoomeh RabaniRad, Behnam Barzegar, Hadi Ahmadi Chenari
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2023، Volume 1، Number 5
- Online ISSN: 2783-5251
- Director-in-Charge:
- Editor-in-Chief:
- Publisher:
Indexing Databases
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