Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2022)                   2022, 1(1): 36-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Hoseini S, Ghorbani M, Barzanouni S, Hashemi S M, Moradi Mogarmoon H A. Investigation of Social Harm in Clients Referred to the Department of Prevention and Rehabilitation of the Social Hurt in Shiraz in 2016. Journal title 2022; 1 (1) :36-40
URL: http://jrhms.thums.ac.ir/article-1-24-en.html
Department of Public Health, School of Health, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran , Ghorbanim1@thums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3208 Views)
As a threat, social harm imposes a serious challenge to the health of individuals in the community. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of social harm in clients referred to the Department of Prevention and Rehabilitation of the social hurt in Shiraz. 5289 individuals who had been brought to or referred to the center by the teams of Prevention and Rehabilitation in the city of Shiraz in 2016 participated in this cross-sectional study. The data were collected through a researcher-made form. Data analysis was performed using the chi-square test and SPSS software.
The results showed that 3950 (74.7%) participants were male adults, 813 (15.4%) were female adults and 526 (9.9%) were under 15 years old. The findings showed that 4827 (91.3%) participants were Iranian, 320 (6.1%) were Afghan and 142 (2.7%) were Pakistani. And finally, from the total number of people admitted to the center, 1435 (27.1%) individuals were freed on parole, 556 (10.5%) were referred to the recruitment unit, and 1652 (31.2%) were referred to rehabilitation centers. Given that the issue of social harm has become one of the most important challenges in recent years and this situation can adversely affect the physical and mental health of individuals in the community, there is a need for an organized and scientific approach accordingly.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2021/02/23 | Accepted: 2021/05/24 | Published: 2021/12/22

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